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In advance of #Veganuary2022 we wanted to find out what vegetable was the nation’s favourite and after a survey conducted in the Autumn we are able to announce that Brits are a nation of potato lovers as the simple ‘spud’ came out on top.

Probably not a surprise to many though as potatoes were joined in the top 10 by broccoli, peas and carrots as other firm favourites. Making it in to the top 3 were mushrooms which to many may have been a surprise, closely followed by peppers and asparagus possibly a reflection of how tastes have changed in recent years as our diets have become more influenced by international dishes.

Sugar snaps, spinach and sweet potato completed the line up in the nation’s top ten vegetables.

The Top 10

  1. Potato (35%)
  2. Broccoli (25%)
  3. Mushrooms (21%)
  4. Peppers (18%)
  5. Asparagus (17%)
  6. Peas (16%)
  7. Spinach (16%)
  8. Sweet Potato (15%)
  9. Carrots (14%)
  10. Sugar Snaps (11%)
Paul Andrews

Paul Andrews

Paul is the founder and driving force behind Calendarity, the online marketing resource centre highlighting events and awareness days to help bring clarity to the marketing calendar.