Check out some of the events that took place on this day in history:

1692 Salem Witch Trial Arrests

It was on this day back in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts that  Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, & Tituba were arrested for witchcraft.  They became famous as the witches involved in the Salem Witch Trials.

1954 Hydrogen Bomb Test

In 1954 on this day the US undertook Hydrogen Bomb tests in the Pacific Ocean in the Bikini archipelago

1961 US Peace Corps Established

In 1961, US President John F Kennedy established the Peace Corps

1966 UK Confirms Adoption Of Decimal Coinage

Back in 1966 the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, James Callaghan, formally announced the adoption of decimal coinage which was to be introduced in 1971


  • 1994 – Justin Bieber, the pop singer
  • 1910 – David Niven, the British actor
  • 1904 – Glenn Miller, the ‘Big Band’ musician
  • 1810 – Frederic Chopin, Polish-French composer and pianist


  • 1984 – Jackie Coogan, the American actor
  • 1980 – Dixie Dean, the British footballer
  • 1952 – Jack Wild, the actor famous for playing the ‘Artful Dodger’ in Oliver